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PhotoTracker Lite - search images online faster

Fastest one-click search by image extension for Chrome, Opera, Vivaldi and Yandex.Browser. It opens Google.Images, Yandex.Images, Bing's ImageMatch and reverse image search results in just one click of your mouse!

This extension can help you to track online usage of your images if you are photographer and have online blog where pictures can be viewed and stolen as well, or find the author or a bigger version of a picture that you found online, or guess what is pictured on the image or where that photo was taken — Google is quite good with suggestions, or define a movie by screenshot you found somewhere online, on tumblr for example, or find another store online by the image of the product, or find another account online with your own profile images (sometimes someone's identity got stolen, you know), or you tell me how did it helped you. )

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Version 0.4

+ Added one-click search helper. Hover your mouse on any screenshot on the right - you should see small semi-transparent icon in the bottom right corner. Hover it and click to see what happens. ) + Added incognito mode support. No searches counted.
+ Added menu item for links that linked to pictures.
 Check out bottom right screenshot. One picture worth thousand words. + Added notification, if no search engines selected.
+ Added polish localization.
+ Added czech localization.
* Removed ability to search by data and file url's.  Temporary. It was working, but there are plans to implement this function.

Version 0.3

+ Added localization ability
+ Added search by image url localization(ex. for english speaking users, for russian speaking) + Added russian localization
* Improved stats tracking  They were nulled on every browser restart.

Version 0.2

+ Added settings panel
+ Added search results tabs setting (foreground / background tabs opening related) + Added simple search counter
* Small interface improvements (switch related)

Version 0.1

+ Initial release: Search on Google, Yandex, Bing and TinEye via popup menu.

click screenshots to view

and more to come...

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